Red Fern Art compositions by Caithleen Carter Steeves

Drizzling spring morning thoughts

To be here is to see hear and become acquainted with the rain, sunshine,magestic waters .All things Maritime are in a highly unique way created and shaped by the sea.I hope you gain a perspective of what we are, what we are becoming, and what we cherish as Maritimers. Tapah leat!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Learning to Receive

posted by K Carter Steeves
Out of the darkness comes the JOY of receiving.I have learned in Native Way that all of creation is in a Universal relationship.There was no word for "Thankyou " or please, everything was shared among the people no ONE was held in higher esteem than the other giving and receiving were one in the flow of the Universe to Mother Earth.Very simple.No more no less,all in Creation is interwoven into a sacred order of beauty and that the earth is this huge school house.Engaging as it is it is to be approached with careful thought and respectful feelings of gratitude or thankfulness.
I was taught to give a prayer of Honor to Great Spirit for our Christmas Tree.To give some tobacco or sage back to the earth in reservedness.I was taught we are never ever able to Give to Great Spirit for all is here given freely for our health and well being from Great Spirit.We are here to learn then we pass to the next phase of our soul learning and in this very short time we can bring about the required consciousness in the generation shift by prayer and meditation.I had sat for years staring into the fireplace or the tree and not  conscious of the  reality I was creating yet in me was a longing.I avoided appreciation of the WHOLE.
Today I feel so very complete in my heart at Christmas, celebrations of these Holy Days.I know in my heart and now in my mind that giving a prayer of Honour to Great Spirit before I cut the tree or pay for it is a blessing and a deep sense of connection to the natural world around me.We can do this with the Turkey and other way of celebration that include nature.I keep Green in my life and my awareness f all being sacred. lol
The Miracle for me is that we are all witnessing a Great Sacred EXPERIENCE of creation which is so much more surreal when we give Honor and a Sacred place of connection to the many gifts that the earth provides for us, not just at Christmas yet all through our days.The Creator gives day and night in balance to each other.Today is the same day as always has been,the day is not under time nor is the night they are timeless in that they are as the Creator created them in the beginning,what is and what evolves into night is and always will be revolving into the day again eternal.The day is a clean sheet of paper the night the cover it sits in ,what we bring forth onto the page is of our own making,Universal,and eternal.

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