Red Fern Art compositions by Caithleen Carter Steeves

Drizzling spring morning thoughts

To be here is to see hear and become acquainted with the rain, sunshine,magestic waters .All things Maritime are in a highly unique way created and shaped by the sea.I hope you gain a perspective of what we are, what we are becoming, and what we cherish as Maritimers. Tapah leat!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

posted by K Carter Steeves
I loved the Sweat Lodge Ceremony, here my soul began to heal and my mind was able to focus in the moment.I started University and detach from the pain in my mind.I learned the beauty of the Medicine wheel and how to pray with Great intention and to always check my motives in all situations.I learned the beauty of the dream we live in and the beauty of being true to my self and my own heart.I  learned to see the dream within the dream and if i have not a dream then i am being dreamed.A Dream Catcher symbolises the whole web of your life and existences.In each new situation the trickster will test your will and probe your heart to see if this dream is really what your are prepared for and if it is in tune with your destiny and serves the highest good for all concerned.It takes a long time and many soul searching hours to change your destiny set by the Spirit threads when you are born.We can rise above the hardships and find stillness and prosperity,friendships,and a life guided by Great Spirit.Prayer can cnahge the world for the good balance of creations.
I realised that my dedication to Christianity was useful and as societies they are very orderly however  for me they were dead,I had a very distorted inner vision of a dead GOD, and sometimes an OLD MAN up in the sky looking over me and judging us.
I needed a reawakening a profound Spiritual experience and a way of  consciously choosing my life path in accordance with the Oneness of the Universe.
I learned to embrace now not far away images of worry  a very bad habit one develops when on is being watched by an angry GOD.
In summer we celebrated, gathered, walked,made ready for winter.Always we were drawn into the practise of meditation, be it in bead work, a rocking chair,solitary moments in the woods,drawing, painting,or sitting for long periods of time, we practised meditation on a daily basis.It is simply woven into the culture habits of daily life.To sit and watch the sunset still floods my soul with JOY!!!!Weaving the soul to its natural tune the old Irish tell of thsi way of healing and living in cycles of reverence to nature.Hindu speak of this quiet time in nature as well as being a balm for the soul. Weeding out physic lies takes years.
In winter we went to school worked made drums medicine wheels, feasts, prayer circles,and rested.
I learned who I was my personality was secured enough to give way to some character because I know what I believe now and am able to expand on my beliefs and abilities.I accept my wholeness and that of others.We have so very much to be grateful and open-minded for all things are related to the Oneness.Trusting my Spirit is what  took time and practise and patience.Making quick decisions is a must do not hesitate on first thought, best thought.Great Spirit has a certain feel about it a joy in the mind in the feelings all at the same time, somewhat childlike.Not to second guess myself took time and space for grounding and still remain in the flow.
I am very soft and delicate on the inside this is one of my greatest strengths.I never thought of softness being a strength!!lolol I can be very indifferent and self  serving on the outside.I was taught no one is going to think or feel for you.that's an illusion.You have to think and feel for your self and asking  for guidance in this  matter is wise for we are never upset for a reason you may think.You can always take your self to seriousness,when you are sailing along make sure it is what you would share with the world or it may not be worth what you is .Feelings shift and change with the wind.Never do for one what they can do for themselves.Do not make or keep people dependant on you. that the worst thing for the Universe is always shifting into seasons of time and life and we must go with the flow of this and that for it is the law of Creation.No thing stays the about WONDER!!!I was euphoric at times and just kept walking eating sleeping and living my natural way which i have come to find great pleasure in.I always wanted to be somewhere else or be someone else.loll I am so relieved to be here and be me.I was so tired of the old way.Its hard work being a little child of an angry God and being angry all the time!!!!Not knowing if I was saved or not if my name was in the book or not.Today I know Im in the book, washed in the blood and sitting on the right side of the throne of The Great Spirit and it is flowing out into my life and the life of those around me.
These women taught me how to give for at the POW WOW's all the best of each home would be brought out and we would cook for hours.When we arrive there was just a pot and a stone fireplace in the ground.When we left the crowd was full of a great meal and there was a fire pit and a few pots.No mess was on the ground,not paper cups not gum wrappers etc.The Earth was left as we found it.Many thanks were given to Great Spirit and Mother Earth. A plate of food was left to honor the Great Mother in nature by a tree or a brook or a beautiful stone a way of expressing thank you on Natures level not our level.Sometimes I would wonder who ate the food.Im amused today how ignorant I can be sometimes.
I remember the Gold River POWWOW a woman brought out a frying pan that held 20 pounds of Caribou!!Man that was the biggest frying pan I ever saw!!!!!Slow and steady wins the race the Great Turtle is our bet teacher when our lives are seen as our work of art.
I learned my Spirit name I talk with my ancestors and I have now inner guidance to follow to plan my life around.Great Star Woman protects my Spirit Sheild.My life today is a sweet place to be to be becoming to be creating the human future for all eternity.I am at-one-ment in myself for all beings.

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