Red Fern Art compositions by Caithleen Carter Steeves

Drizzling spring morning thoughts

To be here is to see hear and become acquainted with the rain, sunshine,magestic waters .All things Maritime are in a highly unique way created and shaped by the sea.I hope you gain a perspective of what we are, what we are becoming, and what we cherish as Maritimers. Tapah leat!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Eastern Star Way

posted by K Carter Steeves
After the Sweat Lodge I was ready to join into the dancing and drumming.My friend had sewed me a Grandmother Ribbon Dress.I am honoured in my heart each time I wear it,to respect my ancestors,the four directions and all those who love me.Sometimes it only takes one single event to awaken a truth that was there all the time.For most of us it is a gradual process that unfolds by flashes of understanding,temperance,clues and strength.That is how it has been for me.Here at my first POW WOW I saw and felt an ancient Spiritual Way of Life, not a sermon ,not an order of requirements,not a race for the pulpit,nor a picture of a Jewish sacrifice.This ancient tribal way em brassed me in vitality from Mother Earth and the Sacredness of dimensions in Father Sky.I felt the terror of Grandmother Moons Mercifulness and the energising   web of Grandfather Sun.My rebirth set in motion My ability to focus,gentle gathering information to make my own decisions,set my own visions own my feelings and harness the energy of my medicine seeing my efforts go out into the Universe and return to me.The living cycles of life came into being and I began to flourish in ways that made sense to me and made me very passionate about my life and still to this day.
Now I know what all those people were doing in the 70"s going off to India and it was right here in my own back yard.We are healed we are enlightened in Gods time not ours and for the times we live in .

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