posted by K Carter Steeves
Red Fern Art compositions by Caithleen Carter Steeves
Drizzling spring morning thoughts
To be here is to see hear and become acquainted with the rain, sunshine,magestic waters .All things Maritime are in a highly unique way created and shaped by the sea.I hope you gain a perspective of what we are, what we are becoming, and what we cherish as Maritimers. Tapah leat!
Welcome to our home and living ways set in rural Maritime Canada.One of the most beautiful sites along our North Westren side just beyond the Bay of Maine is the Bay of Fundy.I hope you come and enjoy the natural beauty the past few thousand years of natural design.The area is somewhat third generational link ie: Celtic/German,Celtic/Polish etc.A tribal symbology is a strong presence we see in the kitchens and barn stops of long ago.