Red Fern Art compositions by Caithleen Carter Steeves

Drizzling spring morning thoughts

To be here is to see hear and become acquainted with the rain, sunshine,magestic waters .All things Maritime are in a highly unique way created and shaped by the sea.I hope you gain a perspective of what we are, what we are becoming, and what we cherish as Maritimers. Tapah leat!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Hi Im Issey,
Im the dog in residence at Ithica Cottage here in Waverly.My days are spent lake snooping and swimming,chasing a ball and stick and keeping kathleen and the grandboys on track.Im  Boarder Collie from Sutherland Farms near St Peters, Cape Breton Im two years old and love it near the water.
Kathleen is thinking of going back into the city to live so a very lovely family with small children may be my new house mates.I love running and so do children,so this will be fun and I like water so living with them in Hubbards would be more fitting to my personality.I love kathleen and she will always be my first mom since I left my pac.

1 comment:

  1. Issey is our Border Collie mascot here at Ithica Cottage he likes the trail and all things natural especially rocks that lay under the water line.hes on the dig here in the winter months piling the up for all to see and enjoy his hobby with him.issey is two years old he likes crackers,kids and tv
